Monday, 2 December 2013

Rise of Professional Massive Learning

A very interesting post from Information Week magazine. The continuing relevance of Massive On-line Open Courses that seems to be increasingly important fro productivity and professional performance.

Rise Of The Corporate MOOC (via InformationWeek)
It's not your father's corporate training. EdX wants to help companies offer their own massive open online courses to keep employees' skills updated. For corporations, massive open online courses, or MOOCs, matter because they might become a major source…

Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Securing data edge

In our times of Big Data for big rewards, at least potentially, there's also the threat of big security issues surrounding that massive wealth of information. This videos highlights this and reminds us all to the need for security. FT's Connected Business talks to Vijay Raghavan, Chief Technology Officer at LexisNexis and this companny approach wich tries to strike a balance between the security needs of Financial Services  companies and the required and mandatory privacy of customers.

Friday, 26 July 2013

Avenida da Liberdade

Um muito interessante Blog em Blogger. Com um nome inspirador e com a contribuicao aqui de entrada de José Ribeiro e Castro que julgo ser o seu principal impulsionador. Ou um dos principais.

Avenida da Liberdade: Avivar a memória:   Com estas novidades todas do segundo fôlego à coligação, da recomposição e remodelação do Governo, do novo ciclo e da moção de confia...

Thursday, 25 July 2013

What makes us Human....?!

A privilege to be able to post this Video. From UC TV (University of California), that a simple e-mail subscription gives access to. Congratulations to UC and to Youtube! 

Friday, 5 July 2013

Dr Chris Tisdell

I have the privilege of having been a subscriber to Dr. Chris Tisdell's Youtube Channel for the last couple of years, and I can assure it is highly recommendable. Here Dr. Tisdell appears giving his opinion and defense of on-line learning.

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Lincoln's Gettysburg Address

With no further comments, whether in English or in Portuguese!

Friday, 7 June 2013

Presentation: Pinheiro & Ribeiro

In this Presentation, we learn about the Construction Materials Portuguese firm Pinheiro & Ribeiro's Projects, Partnerships and Products.

Friday, 24 May 2013

'Black Magic Dream' Testemunho da equipa 'Black Magic Dream':  Os promotores do projecto " Black Magic Dream " relatam a sua experiência na aventura do crowdfunding. A We Make Productions é...

One of Crowdfunding Portugal Posts Coros Voximini e Voximix: É sempre com prazer que vemos mais um projecto ser financiado e realizado. A Gravação de um CD com música coral infantil de Sérgio Azeved...

Friday, 17 May 2013

Always the sun...

This is a post from my Portuguese Friend from Facebook about his love for Astronomy, and his activities of promoting and divulging it. The awesome image of the sun and its shadows and spots....Terrific. Tomorrow morning Miguel Goncalves will be on National Television RTP 1. presenting his report....and I will try to see it:

The little dot on the upper left corner is our precious Planet Earth

Nuno Edgar Fernandes

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Investors Join Forces With Boost VC to Benefit Bitcoin Businesses | Bitcoin MagazineBitcoin Magazine

A nice link to the currency of future....or....after the overcoming of all hurdles.....!
Great anyway.

Investors Join Forces With Boost VC to Benefit Bitcoin Businesses | Bitcoin MagazineBitcoin Magazine

The Physics of Finance: What has"econophysics" achieved?

I will once and a while re-blog posts from The Physics of Finance, a blog that I very much like from Bloomberg's journalist and former Physicist Mark Buchanan

The Physics of Finance: What has"econophysics" achieved?: Research in so-called "econophysics" -- the application of ideas and concepts from physics to problems in finance and econo...

Inflation Report Press Conference, May 2013

Is this the last appearance of Sir Mirvyn King ?