Wednesday, 10 September 2014

De Rerum Natura: CINCO CRENÇAS FALSAS SOBRE O CÉREBRO - o meu repost

Um post de um amigo especial: António Piedade sobre mitos que se foram enraizando na chamada Ciência Popular acerca do conhecimento que temos de como funciona o Cérebro Humano.
 O importante a realçar aqui é o facto de os mitos se tornarem crenças e distorcerem o que se sabe ou se pode saber sobre questões ciêntíficas. Como todos bem sabemos a boa Ciência é avessa a crenças cristalizadas que se tornam quase Dogmas. Obrigado pelo excelente Post, António Piedade. 

De Rerum Natura: CINCO CRENÇAS FALSAS SOBRE O CÉREBRO: Artigo primeiramente publicado na imprensa regional. Nas últimas duas décadas assistimos a enormes avanços na nossa compreensão sobr...

Monday, 19 May 2014

First case and Coppola Comment

I re-post here today a first, in what I hope will be many more to come, an entry in the excellent Blog of Frances Coppola named Coppola Comment.

Today's post is about the recent developments with Deutsche Bank, the giant German financial institution, which is a systemic one, critically important to the European and Global Financial Markets landscape and that promises the transform and significantly influence the future of the Banking sector and the broader Financial Markets.

It is worth to follow Mrs. Coppola advice and read her piece in Forbes Magazine on-line, that is available in the post by a link.

Coppola Comment: Deutsche Bank's latest capital raising won't end i...: My latest post at Forbes looks at the troubled Deutsche Bank and its latest attempt to improve its capital ratio: Deutsche Bank has final...

Monday, 28 April 2014

Creativity in the cloud in the Edgarsphere.

'' While it is easy to contemplate the possibilities of the cloud, just
what does this massive decentralization of data mean for the way we work
and interact with one another? The FT's Christopher Booker speaks with
designers about how the cloud is changing the way their creative
process is done. ''

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Don't give up 'cause you have friends

A very good week of work, prosperity and happiness to all my friends!

Friday, 28 March 2014

John Rogers: Making optoelectronics less invasive in the body

An excellent addition to the Blogsphere (which is being left alone these days...). But the post is well worth a return. I hope to post more over the region in the near future....